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English teachers and students often focus a lot on vocabulary and grammar when doing speaking preparation for exams like IELTS, whilst neglecting improving their English pronunciation.


Well, it’s good that a candidate learns enough language to express themselves but what lets students down time and time again is their inability to sound good. For some they can’t be understood at all.


if the examiner can’t understand you then you’ll do badly, even if you have amazing vocabulary.


So, what stops candidates being understood?

【 雅思常见发音问题和技巧 English Pronunciation Problems & Help 】

1.发音不准 Mispronunciation

First and foremost it is mispronunciation of single phonemes or sounds. Have a look at some of our previous posts for some help on this. Every nationality has different problems due to their first language. Some can’t pronounce TH, some over pronounce S and others miss out any consonant on the end of a word.

Tip: Find out what problems you have and work on them.

2.单词音节重读 Word stress

这听起来很基础但很多考生无法准确掌握单词中哪个音节应该重读。常常因为错误的重读位置导致把名词发音成动词,或者听起来像中文。This sounds basic but not everyone learns the right stress for every word in class. If you stress the wrong part you may change the word from a noun to a verb or even make it sound like a foreign word…. or just be completely misunderstood!

【技巧】Tip: Ask a native or a good English speaker to listen to you and correct your word stress. Otherwise, check online or with a paper dictionary.

3.句子重读 sentence stress


This is where you add stress to the important word(s) in a sentence. We normally stress verbs and nouns because they are the important words. For example, you would understand BOUGHT SHOES even without the other words. A good speaker will add major and minor stress so they will say something like this:

I bought some shoes.

minor            major stress


A very good student (6分以上) will know how to change stress to give different meaning, like this:


I bought some shoes.

=He didn’t borrow, steal or sell them

I bought some shoes.

=Emphasises the speaker and is common where lots of people are speaking.

【技巧】 Tip: Focus on transferring meaning by adding minor and major stress.



Intonation is another pronunciation skill that is often forgotten about. Although it differs across English, it is best to go down at the end of a sentence for a statement but up at the end for a question. For example:


I tend to do all my shopping in the supermarket.

__________________ ↗

What do you usually buy?

To signal that a sentence isn't finished you can use them together like this:

_________________↘↗  __↘↗   ____ ↘↗   __________________↘

I normally purchase fruit, vegetables, raw meat and cleaning products.

【技巧】Tip: Practise making longer and more complicated sentences using varied stress

【结论 Conclusion】

别让发音影响了你的口语分数。不仅要让考官听懂,同时要准确的掌握重读和语调。因此英语里常说:“IT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY, BUT HOW YOU SAY IT”

Don’t let your pronunciation reduce your band score. It’s not enough just to be understood. You need to use stress and intonation to convey meaning/be properly understaood. That’s where the saying IT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY, BUT HOW YOU SAY IT comes from.


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