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小编:cherry 106


题目:As well asmaking money, businesses should also have social responsibilities.

Do you agreeor disagree?


It isundoubtedly true that corporations form an integral part of society, as they manufactureproducts and provide services for various entities. In holding this significantrole, it is fundamental for enterprises to assume the duty of showing care andconcern in the communities they operate in.


Proponents ofcorporate social responsibility purport these activities increase profits inthe long term and bolster the strength of communities. Businesses are deeplyintegrated in every aspect of society since they employ workers who inhabittheir communities and have a significant impact on their surroundings.Organizations ought to aim to reduce their carbon footprint or persuadeemployees to spend spare time participating in volunteer activities. In thisway, enterprises will set positive examples to teach individuals how to acttowards their environments and one another.

Nevertheless,opponents of this perspective fervently argue such a focus would distract fromthe main purpose of their businesses. In particular, the primary role ofcorporations is to ensure they generate profits for their shareholders and securethe financial futures of their enterprises. Consequently, they focus oncreating sufficient jobs for members of society and investing in research anddevelopment in order to advance the overall standard of living. On the otherhand, improving employment and material wealth are merely secondary aspects ofdevelopment, whereas quality of life plays a more significant role.


Overall, organizations that have a keen sense of being socially responsible certainly further a higherlevel of morality with the aim of promoting a better society. Such anoptimistic mindset also fosters a spirit of cooperation in order to improve thelives of all stakeholders.

270 words

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