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In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in someo thers, government pays for them. Do you think the advantages that government paysthe money outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons and examples.(2013.08.17观点可以从政府的经济发展负担,政府提供教育福利不可推卸的责任,和学生自身的动力和经济状况考虑)

Money forpostgraduate research is limited. Therefore some people think financial supportfrom governments should be only provided for scientific research rather thanresearch for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?(教育+政府)(2012.09.15)

Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time on study, but it isessential to get involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree ordisagree(2012.02.25从学生的身心健康和社会能力均衡发展考虑)

Somebody think that some subjects such as math and philosophy are difficult tosome students, so people should take it as selective not compulsory. Do youagree or disagree?( 2011.09.17)

some people think educate children of different abilities together will benefitthem. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and givespecial courses, discuss both side and give own opinion! (因材施教)

University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people thinkuniversities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects inaddition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (通才还是专才。拓展:年轻人就业)

Some people think young people should go to university to further theireducation while others think they should been encouraged to work as carmechanics or builders etc. to serve society. Discuss both views and give yourown opinion.(教育的程度)

Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in everysubject.Do you agree or disagree。 (教育平等)


Some scientists believe that soon computers will become more intelligence thanhuman beings. Some people think the development have a positive impact, othersthink it is negative. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2013.08.29)

100years ago, human race believed we would make continuous progress in all areasof life. Today, some people feel less certain about this. Which areas ofprogress has human race made? Which areas haven't we developed? Give reasonsfor your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge orexperience.(社会+科技+生活)(2013.04.06)

Nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand, agree or disagree?(科技进步。拓展:加快经济发展,对环境和安全的危险)

Economic progress is one way to measure the success of one country, while somepeople think there are other factors. What other factors should be considered?Within these factors, do you think anyone is more important than the others? (贫富差距、城乡差距、社会福利以及税收负担)

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