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小编:Hosea 233


  1.Describe an important skill you learnt when you were a child.

  You should say:

  what the skill was;

  who you learnt it from;

  how you learnt it;

  and explain why you think it was useful.

  2.Describe a wedding you attended.

  You should say:

  when it was;

  who got married;

  what happened at the wedding;

  and explain how you felt about it.

  3.Describe an interesting house or apartment that you visited.

  You should say:

  where it was;

  whose home it was;

  what it looked like;

  and explain why you think it was interesting.

  4.Describe a kind of foreign food you tried.

  You should say:

  what it was;

  when and where you had it;

  why you had it;

  and explain how you felt about it.

  5.Describe a kind of weather you like.

  You should say:

  what kind of weather it is;

  when this weather usually occurs;

  what you usually do during this weather;

  and explain how this weather affects your mood.

  6.Describe a time you disagreed with a decision that others made.

  You should say:

  what decision it was;

  who made the decision;

  whether you told him or her that you disagreed;

  and explain why you didn’t agree with this decision.

  7.Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.

  You should say:

  when and where you would like to go;

  who you would like to go with;

  what you would like to do there;

  and explain why you would like to go there..

  8.Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the future.

  You should say:

  what job it is;

  what qualities are required for this job;

  what you would need to learn to get this job;

  And explain why you would like to do this job.

  9.Describe a time you spent time with a child.

  You should say:

  who you spent time with;

  why you spent time together;

  what you did together;

  and explain how you felt about it.

  10.Describe an English lesson you enjoyed.

  You should say:

  when and where you had the lesson;

  who gave the lesson;

  what the lesson was about;

  and explain why you enjoyed it.

  11.Describe an occasion that everyone laughed.

  You should say:

  when and where it was;

  who were there;

  what happened;

  and explain why everyone laughed.

  12.Describe a mistake that you once made before

  you should say:

  what this mistake is

  when you made this mistake

  what the results of this mistake were

  and explain what you learned from this mistake

  13.Describe an interesting public place you went before

  you should say:

  where this place was

  when you went there

  what you did and saw in this place

  and explain why you think this place is very interesting

  14.Describe a happy shopping experience

  you should say:

  when and where this happened

  what you bought at that time ( what this thing was )

  what this thing is used for

  and explain why it was a happy experience

  15.Describe a good piece of news you received before

  you should say:

  what this piece of news was

  when and where you received it

  How you reacted after receiving this piece of news

  and explain why you think this was a good piece of news

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