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小编:长安 270


  变题季你不仅不能什么都不做,而且还要做得更多,才能顺利跟雅思say goodbye。

  Part 1


  1.An area of science /A science subject that you are interested in (e.g. medicine, psychology and mathematics, etc.)科学科目

  2.An advertisement you saw/read recently广告

  3.A sport which is good for people's health 有助于健康的运动/ A sport which you prefer to do (that is expensive)昂贵运动

  4.An interesting song you like 有趣的歌曲

  5.An App or program手机应用或程序

  6.Your favorite movie最喜欢的电影

  7.A useful website you often visit网站/An article/A magazine or newspaper杂志报纸文章-均同素材

  8.A course/subject that you want to have in the future


  1.A tall building you like or dislike高楼

  2.A place that is open to the public公共之地

  3.A place you like most in your living city (open space)喜欢的地方

  4.A foreign country where you'd like to work for a short time短工的外国

  5.A public place in your city you like to visit公共之地

  6.A park or garden you like most in your city 最喜欢的你们城市的一个公园或花园

  7.A place where you can be relaxed放松之地

  8.A stadium in town体育场


  1.A piece of equipment ( in your home) you always use/An important machine设备、机器/ A product that you bought & made you happy产品

  2.An important thing you or your family have kept for a long time保留很久之物

  3.Something you ate once吃过一次的东西/An occasion when you ate something for

  4.the first time第一次吃某物

  5.A photo of yourself that you like/A family photo you like/Your favorite photo 或各种photo素材均可移接

  6.A gift you gave to someone礼物


  1.A celebrity/A famous person you like名人

  2.A person who you only met recently but you want to know more about/become a friend of his/hers 认识不久就想了解更多的人

  3.A person who you spend/ like to spend much time with 共度时光的人

  4.A creative person 有创造力的人 (you have worked with)/(musician, inventor or leader)

  5.A person who just moved to live with you/to a new place搬家与你同住的人/搬到新地方的人

  6.A leader you admire 钦佩的领导/A person you admire who is much older than you钦佩的人

  7.Describe a family that you like (not your own)A wild animal that you saw (which was close to you)

  8.One of your best friend 最好的朋友/A person that has influenced you对你有影响的人


  1.A short trip that you dislike but often take不喜欢但常去的旅行

  2.A skill you learned during your childhood

  3.Describe a goal that you would like to achieve in the future

  4.A time when you were really busy/A time when you were the busiest 忙碌

  5.A big company you are interested in 大公司

  6.A positive change in your life 积极改变

  7.An activity you did after school 闲余活动

  8.Something you learned from your mistake 或a mistake you made教训/错误

  9.Something important for you to keep fit 保持健康

  10.A piece of good news you got recently 好消息

  11.A time when you got up early 早起

  12.A (car/motorbike/bike) trip/journey you would like to go on汽车/摩托车/自行车旅行/A happy family event快乐活动/An outdoor activity户外活动

  13.An interesting tradition in your country 有趣传统

  14.sth. /An experience that made you laugh 让你笑

  15.A time when you missed an appointment错过赴约

  16.A good personality you have 好性格

  17.A method that helps you save money 省钱

  18.A time you shared something with others 分享

  19.An unusual activity you have done recently/currently in the free time不寻常的活动....

  20.An event when you prepared/organized something 组织或计划

  21.Something you planned 计划

  22.Something interesting you recently did in your free time有趣的事

  23.A time when you needed to use imagination想象力

  24.A team project you participated in团队

  25.Describe a small business that you want to have in the future 小生意

  26.A special meal you would have 特别的饭

  27.A time you felt a little bit angry 生气

  28.A wedding you enjoyed 婚礼

  需提防的Part 1变题

  1.book书/TV or radio program节目/ A movie you dislike 不喜欢的电影/game游戏/A sport event运动赛事

  2.A work of art艺术品/A letter信

  3.Something you can’t live without 重要之物/Something you saved for 攒钱买的东西

  4.A language语言/vehicle车

  5.An actor 演员(包括喜剧演员等限定要注意)

  6.A school friend 学校时的朋友/ A friend who you haven’t met for a long time许久未见之友/An intelligent person 智慧的人

  7.An interesting conversation 令人感兴趣的对话

  8.A restaurant饭馆/Café咖啡馆

  下面我们一起来看一下环球教育老师给大家分享的一个Part 1难点话题答案,相信对烤鸭们会有帮助哦~

  Do you like wearing hats? Why or why not?



  Kind of. I do not often wear hats because hats are not what are always indispensable. I wear a hat for it can go well with the clothes that I wear. For instance, if my dressing style contains the element of hip pop, a baseball hat is imperative.

  lDo you prefer fashionable hats or comfortable ones?


  正如前面所说,貌似现在的帽子并不具备什么实际的功能 (除了冬天时戴帽子可以御寒之外), 因此选择时尚的帽子似乎更为合理。

  There is no doubt that I like to choose fashionable hats, and as I said wearing a hat is a part of my whole dressing style. However, in winter, what I need to consider is whether the hat can make me feel warm or not.

  lOn what occasions do you (Chinese) like to wear a hat?



  To be frank, personally, if I have no time to tidy my hairstyle, wearing a hat can make me look more decent easily. Therefore, every time when I get up late in the morning, I will take a hat with me.

  In the northern part of China, coldness in winter makes people wear hats to insulate themselves against the cold. On the contrary, people in the south of China wear hats with big brims to prevent themselves from being burned by the strong sunshine.

  Staying indoors with wearing a hat is not really polite on some formal occasions according to the Chinese culture. It seems that people who wear hats like to hide themselves in the shadow of the hat, meaning that they do not want to communicate with others or they are afraid of talking with someone face to face.

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