小编:长安 120The boiling summer is coming~~在炎炎夏日中,待在空调房里抱着西瓜刷手机可谓是同学们的终极梦想了。可毕竟在室内待太久会有可能患上air-conditioner disease ,所以在暑假期间spending a lovely holiday by the sea是个不错的选择。
By the way,正在备战雅思的学生们,咱们是不是刚好可以联系到雅思考试口语题卡--Describe a holiday you want to go in the future。
不管是在国内或者是国外的海岛游,躺在沙滩躺椅上,边喝着ice-cold fresh made juice,边享受sunbathing,golden sand and crystal seawater,就这样惬意地待一天。It seems like we get away from the hustle and bustle (熙攘忙碌)of modern city life。
可生命在于运动!在海边能想到的第一个运动自然就是swimming,考生们可以试着结合题卡如:Describe a popular place where people like to swim. /Describe an activity near water等。笔者特意在网上查了,游泳的好处可真不少,通过 burn fat and lose weight 应对日益常见的overweight/obesity,且有助于处于高压下的现代人relieve the pressure。
对于喜欢extreme sports的人说,swimming可能缺乏挑战性。没关系,there are loads of other exciting water activities。Water scooter/Jet ski(水上摩托车)就是其中之一,绝对是completely different from previous experience you have ever had。
尝试Parachuting(跳伞)一定会是an unforgettable memory,而且能够帮助relieve stress by screaming out,可联系题卡--Describe something you want to do for a long time but you havn't done yet.对于像笔者这类suffer from acrophobia(恐高症)的人来说,parachuting就只是停留在想法的层面上。
如果你很喜欢动物,scuba diving/ snorkeling(浮潜)不容错过,这是一个绝佳的机会learn more about marine creatures, 拍下的每一张照片无疑都记录着你和a variety of sea life的第一次亲密接触。
在1996年成为The Olympic Games比赛项目的Beach volleyball是现在风靡全世界的体育运动之一。排球容易学习且参加人数可多可少,纵使我们不够professional,但通过和小伙伴们配合,绝对能promote teamwork和cooperation。此外,在运动中结识到have a lot in commom的朋友,无疑也是a happy accident。
试想下,在结束了经历过空中、水上、水下、岸边的一天后,在清风习习的晚上,我们边听着热带音乐,边吃着seafood feast and tropical fruit on a terrace by the beach,每个人应该都迫不及待想开始一段充实的海岛游了吧!