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摘要:2015年7月4日雅思考试笔试已经结束, 环球教育教研中心为大家带来的2015年7月4日雅思阅读机经,希望能对考生们未来的考试有帮助。
2015 年 7 月 4 日雅思阅读机经考题回忆
New发展史The origin of cameras填空 4
表格 4
判断 5
The origin of cameras
The history of the camera can be traced much further back than the
introduction of photography. Cameras evolved from the camera obscura, and
continued to change through many generations of photographic technology,
including daguerreotypes,calotypes, dry plates, film, and digital cameras.

Photographic cameras were a development of the camera obscura, a device
possibly dating back to the ancient Chinese and ancient Greeks, which uses
a pinholeor lens to project an image of the scene outside upside-down onto a
viewing surface.

An Arab physicist, Ibn al-Haytham, published his Book of Optics in 1021 AD.
He created the first pinhole camera after observing how light traveled through a
window shutter. Ibn al-Haytham realized that smaller holes would create
sharper images. Ibn al-Haytham is also credited with inventing the first camera

On 24 January 1544 mathematician and instrument maker Reiners Gemma
Frisius ofLeuven University used one to watch a solar eclipse, publishing a
diagram of his method in De Radio Astronimica et Geometrico in the following
year. In 1558 Giovanni Batista della Porta was the first to recommend the
method as an aid to drawing.

Before the invention of photographic processes there was no way to preserve
the images produced by these cameras apart from manually tracing them. The
earliest cameras were room-sized, with space for one or more people inside;
these gradually evolved into more and more compact models such as that by
Niépce's time portable handheld cameras suitable for photography were
readily available. The first camera that was small and portable enough to be
practical for photography was envisioned by Johann Zahn in 1685, though it
would be almost 150 years before such an application was possible.

***8.on a screen
9. T
10. F
11. F several of CC(一种电影) still exist today
12. T
13. NG
New科技The treetop
配对 (人名匹配)5
填空 2
What is the TreeTop Barbie project?

TreeTop Barbie was designed to inspire youth – especially young girls – to
become aware of the field of the forest canopy. She is a real Barbie doll, but
wears hand-tailored clothes that are modeled on real field clothes and climbing
gear, including a field guide to canopy plants and animals (both Barbie- and
human-sized). The TreeTop Barbie package includes the doll and a personal
letter from Barbie about forests and their importance to people.

What issues does this project address?

TreeTop Barbie can serve as a role model to encourage young girls in
directions that are alternatives to the mainstream Barbie doll and what she
represents in our society. TreeTop Barbie and her accompanying educational
materials also provide a link between youth and an exciting part of the natural
world in tropical and temperate ecosystems.

How can I get a TreeTop Barbie?

TreeTop Barbie is distributed by The International Canopy Network (ICAN), a
not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting forest canopy conservation
through research and education. Funds generated will support this and other
outreach activities.

Exploration of forest canopies is no easy task—since researchers can't cross
between tree-tops, they have to clamber up trunks, explore, descend, and then
climb the next. Or they did, until the advent of the SolVin Bretzel Canopy Raft.

A canopy raft is, basically, an inflatable PVC pontoon frame with high -tension
netting spread between. They're pre-inflated and lifted into positioned via
airship, dirigible, or helicopter. Once in position, the rafts are set down among
the tree-tops, allowing researchers unfettered access to the uppermost
reaches of the forest ecosystem. Scientists can observe from the raft, rappel
from it too—they can even live on its temporary floor for several days at a time.

The pretzel shape of the raft in the top image is known as a SolVin Bretzel,
created by architect Gilles Ebersolt (yes, like "Pretzel" but in German), a recent
design that replaced the previous, octagonal raft shape. Its unique 400m²area
offers numerous advantages over its predecessors. It's a more structurally
sound platform that maximizes surface area, preventing any outlying section
from folding or collapsing. It's also extremely lightweight—meaning it doesn't
crush the new growth of the canopy upon which it rests.
答案14. E opinion of experts on a certain access method have changed
15. D a description of physical limitation of a certain access
16. F
17. A the details of ecological and environmental of canory
18. B a description of lack of cooperation and research
19. c
20. e
21. a
22. d
23. b
24. asserts
25. ballon
New书籍The Grimme Fairy
判断 6
单选 3
完成句子 5
Grimm's Fairy Tales

This book contains 209 tales collected by the brothers Grimm.

The exact print source is unknown. The etext appears to be based on the
translation by Margaret Hunt called Grimm's Household Tales, but it is not
identical to her edition. (Some of the translations are slightly different, the
arrangement also differs, and the Grimm's scholarly notes are not include d.)

The first volume of the first edition was published in 1812, containing 86
stories; the second volume of 70 stories followed in 1815. For the second
edition, two volumes were issued in 1819 and a third in 1822, totaling 170
tales. The third edition appeared in 1837; fourth edition, 1840; fifth edition,
1843; sixth edition, 1850; seventh edition, 1857. Stories were added, and also
subtracted, from one edition to the next, until the seventh held 211 tales. All
editions were extensively illustrated, first by Philipp Grot Johann and, after his
death in 1892, by German illustrator Robert Leinweber

The first volumes were much criticized because, although they were called
"Children's Tales", they were not regarded as suitable for children, both for the
scholarly information included and the subject matter.[1] Many changes
through the editions – such as turning the wicked mother of the first edition
in Snow White and Hansel and Gretel (shown in original Grimm stories as
Hänsel and Grethel) to a stepmother, were probably made with an eye to such
suitability. They removed sexual references—such as Rapunzel's innocently
asking why her dress was getting tight around her belly, and thus naïvely
revealing to her stepmother her pregnancy and the prince's visits—but, in
many respects, violence, particularly when punishing villains, was increased.

In 1825, the Brothers published their Kleine Ausgabe or "small edition", a
selection of 50 tales designed for child readers. This children's version went
through ten editions between 1825 and 1858.


The influence of these books was widespread. W. H. Auden praised the
collection, during World War II, as one of the founding works of Western
culture. The tales themselves have been put to many uses. Hitler praised them
as folkish tales showing children with sound racial instincts seeking racially
pure marriage partners, and so strongly that the Allied forces warned against
them; for instance, Cinderella with the heroine as racially pure, the stepmother
as an alien, and the prince with an unspoiled instinct being able to
distinguish. Writers who have written about the Holocaust have combined the
tales with their memoirs, as Jane Yolen in her Briar Rose.

The work of the Brothers Grimm influenced other collectors, both inspiring
them to collect tales and leading them to similarly believe, in a spirit of romantic
nationalism, that the fairy tales of a country were particularly representative of
it, to the neglect of cross-cultural influence. Among those influenced were the
Russian Alexander,      the      Norwegians,      the      English Joseph      Jacobs,
and Jeremiah Curtin, an American who collected Irish tales. There was not
always a pleased reaction to their collection. Joseph Jacobs was in part
inspired by his complaint that English children did not read English fairy
tales;[8] in his own words, "What Perrault began, the Grimms completed".

Three individual works of Wilhelm Grimm includeAltdänische Heldenlieder,
Balladen und Märchen ('Old Danish Heroic Songs, Ballads, and Folktales') in
1811, Über deutsche Runen ('On German Runes') in 1821, and Die deutsche
Heldensage ('The German Heroic Saga') in 1829
部分答案27. N the Grimme brother knew they would gain international fame, the
lasting fame would shock the Grimmes
28. NG the Grimmes were inforced to do work of their own secret
29. Y    the sales of Fairy Tale in England was higher than in German
30. NG
31. Y some parents still thought the Fiary Tale was not good for theirchildren
32. N the fairy Tale author considered the man who made contribution to
the story of Cinderella as the original model
33. A the flowering of children literature level in 1800s
34. A-illustration the change of Fairy Tale in order to match with the
modern times (refining & resoftening)
35. C
36. D another contributor of the Fiary Tale in Italy
37. F the reason why some people think the Fiary Tale belongs to German
38. H some violent stories
39. E
40. D

以上是环球教育名师为大家带来2015年7月4日雅思阅读机经, 希望能对考生们未来的考试有帮助。

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