小编:杨春 2715 Customersare faced with increasing amounts ofadvertising due to the competition amongcompanies. To what extent do you thinkconsumers are influenced byadvertisements? And what measures can be taken toprotect their interests?
Recently,I found on the internet thatadvertisements are regarded as another term ofpollution to the public.However, hardly could anyone imagine the world it as itcertainly brings hugeamount of merits. As far as I could tell, the amount ofpros that advertisinghas brought to people has far exceeded its cons.
In thefirstinstance, advertising is the sales promotion strategies. In such sortofmarket, firms compete with each other to gain the market shares. However,theywill be reluctant to increase or lower their price because the informationisinterdependent and consumers have got tones of other substitutes.Therefore,the only way to promote their sales will be through advertising.Someconsumers, on the other hands, do find such information useful whilechoosingwhat to buy. There is a common sense in it: hardly could an inefficientandstagnant firm invest a great deal of money on investment. In addition tothat,big firms tend to provide goods and services with better quality, whichmightbenefit the consumers.
Nevertheless,some argue that people will be easily swayed by advertisement featuringwithbeautiful movie stars and make irrational decisions or even buy goodsonimpulse especially when talking about youngsters with less consciousnessandexperience. This is still a rather minor problem. We can tackle this bytakingsome measurements. For example, to educate young people not buying goodstheydon’t need andmaybe set a regulation of age limits on purchasing certain goodslike cosmeticsand high-tech products.
To conclude,advertisements in my opinion will hardly influence people’s purchasing patterns. Instead,somewell-made advertisements can improve the aesthetical capability of theviewers.Although youngsters are worried in this advertising explosion century,educationand recognition can prevent them from being affected to a greatextent.
预测作文范文4: G/A类 Children who grow up infamilieswhich are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problemsof adultlife than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To whatextent do youagree or disagree?
Some feel that the children of lowincomefamilies are better equipped to deal with difficulties posed by the ‘realworld’ when they grow up and they alsobelieve the privileged children ofwealthy families are less fit to deal withthese difficulties . The implicationsand veracity of thisargument seem self-evident, but in fact require closerexamination. ( 58words )veracity n.诚实,真实(性), 正确(度), 精确性。点评: 1+ 1 ’模式,最后 1 句为主题句。此段的主题句稍微有点特殊,它的确否定了前面所提到的观点,从而表达出了自己的观点,此外还引出了下文。特别是最后半句: but in fact require closer examination ,感觉是在抛砖引玉。
The popular wisdom is that childrenofpoorer families learn early on the value of a buck, and are thusnaturallybetter suited to stretching money when times get tough inadulthood. Conversely, the children ofwealthy families,those born with a silver spoon in their mouths, are believedto be completelyignorant of the value of money, having had everything providedfor them intheir youth and often erroneously expecting the same situationinadulthood. They are believed to beproneto overspending and financial irresponsibility. This belief, thoughlogical,overlooks one key point, which is , of course, education. (100words)
点评: 1 ’ +3 模式,第 1 句是主题句。请注意,从此段的内容来看,这是个让步段(即分析自己并不赞成的观点)。虽然 4 段论的作文的主体段是两面讨论,但是本人还是喜欢这样的写作,即主体段的观点还是有侧重的,把让步段放在前面,最后 1 句话引出下一段,这样过度地很自然,而且自己的观点也比较明确!
The basis ofthis argument is , of course, knowing the value of money, and the ideathatchildren of the poor know this, and those of the wealthy do not. Thewealthy,though, is in a better position to teach their children the value ofmoney. Whoon earth will do the job better? someone skilled in earning andkeeping it, thewealthy parent, or someone who can not seem to acquire it, thepoorparent? In fact, both wealthy andpoorchildren are equally likely to acquire an education in money, whether itisformal, or in the school of hard knocks. Conversely, both children are aslikely to ignore this education. (101words)
点评:这段的内容感觉写得不够直接,还是在分析对方观点的漏洞!请注意,前面让步段已经这么写过了,那么这一段最好是正面地论证自己的观点,这样从内容上来说更 convincing 一点!此外,需要说明的是,大家发现作者的内容还是有一定深度,但是这是要有一定的英语功底才行的!如果英语功底不行的话,建议内容不要写太深,因为那样容易造成考官看不懂你在说什么!
上一段可以这样写:As ismentioned above,education plays an undeniable and decisive role in thiscontroversial topic.There are plentiful stories to prove this. For example,the well- knownbillionaire Bill Gates… Nevertheless, we still can find vivid stories of poor childrenformpoor families remain …So , we can safely draw the conclusion that it is theeducation that…….
最后一段:Therefore,apoor child may believe that one can get along, if not as easily, withoutwealth.A wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steeped in theknowledge ofmoney management; the key to developing this skill is education.
点评:最后一段有点像是提出解决这个问题的办法,即 education. 它没有像传统的结尾段那样简单的重申自己的观点。
作文1:Somepeople think that personal happiness is directly related to economicsuccess.Others argue that happiness depends on completely other factors.Discuss bothof the views and give your own opinion.
Somepeople believe that happiness isrelated to economic success because only moneycan make people’s lifemoreenjoyable. When it comes to economic success, the majority of peoplebelievethat money means a luxurious life. To begin with, if someone owns greatsuccesson economic, that means he can spend more money on whatever he likes andspendmore time on his hobbies. Emotionally, money can buy happiness at least tosomeextent. That is to say, you can buy things that you like in order tofulfillyour needs and vanities and this makes you feel happier. You can alsoenjoy thebest education and social welfare. Thirdly, economic success implieshighsocial class and status, which can make people feel happy and respectable.
Opponents,however, hold the view thathappiness does not depend on economic success butcompletely other factors.First of all, numerous studies show that happyindividuals are successfulacross multiple life domains, including marriage,income, work performance andhealth. The happiness exists not only becauseeconomic success makes peoplehappy, but also because positive affect engendershappiness. What’s more, Itisindisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserablelifeand have to fact the dangers of starvation and exposure, but some of themsilllead a happy life because they keep the happy spirit. Last but not least,moneycan not buy everything, such as friendship, true love and health. You canbuythings corporeal, but you can never spend money to ask for more time.
In the final analysis, both sides havesound foundations. However, if asked to makea choice, I will not hesitate toassent to the latter. I firmly believe thathappiness is not only related toeconomic success but also links to otherfactors which are much more significant.
Discuss the difference between fast foodandtraditional food, such as nutrition, and recipe?
Living in afast-paced society, the modern eaters are not longerinterested in the contentsof their food, but focused on whether a convenientmeal is available at hand todevour. Statistics indicate that even housewivesspend much shorter time atkitchen than their predecessors. This writing willcompare and contrastadvantages and disadvantages of fast food and traditionalfood.
Traditionalfood has its unshakable position in the human cultureboth in the social andhistorical context. Historically, chefs have gone to alllengths to experimenton novelties, invent cooking skills to gratify guests'hunger. Hence,traditional food has secured its incomparable value with acomplex oftantalising features, including the variance, flavour, and taste. Itsuniquecharms can nurture social relations as well. A family is accustomed topreparea traditional feast to serve their guests at weekend or on holiday, suchasChristmas.
Further,traditional food is favourably nutritious and balanced,compared with fastfood. Dieticians have suggested audience through millions oftelevised coursesthat traditional food can retain more nutrition before beingserved on thetable, for in general, they are cooked with a temperate heat. By contrast,thefast food are made at such a high temperature that nutrition hasinescapablyvaporised during the cooking process. Meanwhile, cooks pay moreattention tothe balance of recipe when preparing traditional food, such ascombing meatwith vegetable.
Despite arange of advantages, traditional food is overshadowed byits fast competitor interms of time. Traditional food can consume aconsiderable amount of time fromchoosing materials, to arranging your table forvisual appeal. In contrast,fast food cannot be faster when making a five-minutetrip to a store around thecorner, or even dialling to a fast food company.Needless to say recently, astring of fast food companies have tried theirhardest to enrich the menu.
Tosummarise, traditional food has an irreplaceablerole in our life, backed withvarious merits. However, its prevalence isdeclining for people are more andmore time conscious.
Overshadow=eclipse=obscure:使黯然失色 His performance haseclipsedhis predecessor's success.
more time conscious.
Overshadow=eclipse=obscure:使黯然失色 His performance haseclipsedhis predecessor's success.
Go toalllengths:竭尽全力地做某件事情
Bycomparison=incontrast=by contrast: 对比来说,
ComparedwithA=in contrast to A :和A对比来说,
Onthecontrary=conversely: 相反
Manynational leaders believe that theglobal stagnant economy need the urgentcooperation between countries ,and oneof the current
prioritiesof government is to promote theeconomic cooperation and cope with the difficultsituation together .To whatextent do you agree or disagree?
第一段:描述当前国际经济不景气,提出国际间经济合作采取行动是必要的。The current global economy recession overshadows approximatelyallthe countries in the world, including Us ,UK, European Counties, businessinall trades of walk are stagnant. Stocks are devalued. Prices of house aredecliningand the real estate trade are deteriorating..
There is no doubt thatinternationalcooperation, from private enterprise to governments, has becomeincreasinglyprevalent (= more popular these years). It is on account of growinglyglobaleconomy, and it is beneficial for almost every country in the world.
近年来,私企和政府间的国际化合作变得广泛而流行。这是由于经济全球化的趋势和世界各国的利益共同导致的。People firmly believe that the international cooperation is goodforeconomy development. It is well aware that every country has its unique waytostimulate and improve economy. For example,中国政府如何如何运转:. They point out that if their advanced technology can beintroducedinto the developing countries that are hardly to invent such goodtechnology,not only some countries or groups but also all of the people livingon theearth will benefit a lot. Of course, the countries that have inventedthesetechnologies will have to suffer from the damage in economy more orless.
On the other hand, the view taken byotherpeople is that the main advantage of international cooperation is in termsofbusiness. It is true that the imports have been sold everywhere in mycountry.To illustrate, a modern car often consists of different components fromvariouscountries. In the meanwhile, some necessary goods are always importedfromother countries. However, the competition between local businesses andexoticones is going more intense.
Food can be produced much more cheaplytodaybecause of improved fertilizers and better machinery or chemistrytechnology.However, some of the methods or chemistry ways may be dangerous tohuman health,and have negative effect on societies. To what degree do youagree or disagree?
预测作文7 A/G :Insome countries , schools aim to provide a general education across a range ofsubjects ,in others ,childrenfocus on anarrow range of subjectsrelated to a particular career. For today's world,which system is appropriate?
Historically speaking, schools arose fromthe “ academic” of Plato ,who primarilyinstituted this society as a place for bothreflection and meditation for thetrue meaning of life ,universe and our finalaim as human beings. But thistrend has incurred some tough tests recently for atotally different reasonthat Plato could not even dream of. As my ownevaluation, the range of education cannot be just narrowed withinthose relatedto their future careers.
What comes into my mind is that thesechildren are not born for asole purpose of being a worker or something.Predetermining their future careeris just as a moon in the water and will alsosubject to great varieties of unknownpossibilities coming directly in theirfuture life. They are ,however, andfirstly , a son or daughter and then acitizen ,then a holder to certaincareers. Therefore ,we can figure out a truththat cannot be truer: thoseintellectual equipments that can better them as agood child and citizen alikeshould also be included in their both primary ,secondaryand even tertiaryeducation.
Closely next to my previous thought wasthat a solely-career-relatededucation may mislead their own purpose of life.Surely a decent income is ofgreat significance ,but it is far from the soleimportance of life. If thoseyoungsters are educated entirely for earning andenjoying their material life,our society may gradually turn to one thatoverwhelmed with nothing but thetorrent of materialism and thus a world withnothing but just trading of Mammon and his wealth. This impact is even worsethan just narrowing one’s education scope.
Therefore ,I hereby object to limiting thesphere of education onlyto the children’s futurecareers but they should firstof all become a complete human before making aprospective wealth with fullrange of knowledge.