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小编:南絮 53

  在雅思口语考试中,Part 1 与Part 2的实质都是讨论生活中各方面的话题,如休闲娱乐,技能爱好,家人朋友等。但其实,Part 1与Part 2话题往往会有重叠,只是答案长度不同而已。现在,沈阳环球教育(原沈阳环球教育)为大家带来避免雅思口语备考误区的方法(下),希望对大家有所帮助!


  雅思口语考试组合成Part 2 话题:

  Describe an ideal house you want to live in.

  You should say: Where will it be?

  What will it look like?

  What kind of features will it have?

  And explain why you want to live there?

  Sample Answers:

  ----Well, I’d like to buy a house in a developed city. And I hope that my ideal house will be located in the downtown, which means the transport system is well-built. There are wider roads and more bus lanes; and I can get wherever I want to go without much trouble.

  ----I expect that my house will be quite airy and spacious. There will be plenty of rooms including a living room, several bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen as well as a study. I will decorate it in an European style. I particularly like European-style furniture and crystal chandeliers which can make my flat deluxe.

  ----What’s more, I’ll plant some lovely flowers on my balcony. When they come into blossom, I will feel a sense of fulfillment. Besides, I really hope to put a bathtub in my bathroom so that I can take a bubble bath when I’m tired. That will be awesome.

  ----If possible, I hope there will be some gardens around my neighborhood. Then when I’m free, I can do some outdoor sports such as jogging or playing tennis with my friends to totally unwind.

  由此可见,如果考生掌握了雅思口语考试Part 1 的话题广度及深度,可以完全通过举一反三的方式应用于雅思口语考试Part 2语段中。因此,环球教育提醒考生千万不要忽略了Part 1的重要性。



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