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1Part 1

1. Math(5月新题二变一


2. Clothing旧题回归


3. Fruit旧题回归


4. Public transport旧题回归

5. Film旧题回归二变一

6. Walking旧题回归

7. House or flat

8. Hometown

9. Work or study

10. Gift

11. Music

12. Reading

13. Sky

14. Weather

Do you watch weather forecast?

What type of weather do you like?

Does weather affect your mood?

15. Visitors

16. Shopping

17. Friends

18. Sleeping

19. Public holidays

20. Weekend

21. Mail or letter

22. Collection

23. Advertisement

24. Museum

25. Tree

26. Leisure time

2Part 2人物题---

1. A person you know who is good at a foreign language一个外语学得好的人( 5月新题实为旧题改编,类似话题 a foreign language you want to learn)

2. A person you know who dresses well一个穿戴时尚的人( 5月新题高频)

3. A person who is good at cooking擅长做饭的人

4. Your favorite famous person你喜欢的名人


1. A place where you can read or write (not your home) 一个你读书写字的地方(家里除外)(5月新题类似旧题 A Place For Work or Study)

2. An interesting tourist attraction有趣的景点(旧题改编

3. A place far away from your hometown一个离家很远的地方(旧题回归

4. A building that you think is unusual一个不一样的建筑

5. A place near water一个近水的地方

6. A colorful place一个多彩的地方


1. A paid work (5月新题

2. A time when you get up early早起的经历(5月新题高频 )

3. An educational trip you took 教育旅行 (旧题回归高频)

4. An ambition you have not achieved yet尚未实现的梦想(旧题回归)

5. A prize you won曾经赢得的奖项 (旧题回归)

6. An indoor game (not about sport) you liked to play when you were achild 小时候做的室内游戏(旧题回归)

7. A positive change you have积极的改变(旧题回归)

8. An important time in your life重要的人生阶段(旧题回归)

9. A short trip you’d like to try again短途旅行

10. A happy surprise惊喜

11. Something you did with a group of people that you really enjoyed 团队活动

12. Some good news you read about or saw好消息

13. An occasionwhen someone you know didn’t tell the complete truth别人没有告诉你实情的经历

14. A time whenyou did something to help a stranger帮助陌生人

15. A time whenyou had to be friendly to someone you didn’t like对不喜欢的人友好.

16. A piece of advice you were given/you gave 别人给你或者你给别人的建议


1. A small successful company (5月新题类似旧题“家族企业”

2. A subject u dislike不喜欢的科目(旧题回归)

3. A relaxing way放松的方式(旧题回归)

4. A gift you recently received (ora gift that takes u long time to choose)最近收到的礼物或者花长时间挑选的礼物 (旧题回归)

An electronic equipment(not computer) you bought for your home (or you arefamiliar with) 你买的电子产品或者你熟悉的电子产品(旧题回归)

5. A childhood toy 童年玩具 (旧题回归)

6. A song or a piece of music you remember from your childhood儿时开始记得得歌曲

7. A useful website有用的网站(旧题回归

8. Something special you would like to buy in the future未来想买的东西

9. A vehicle you want to buy in the future想买的交通工具

10. An excitingsport you know about激动人心的运动


1. A movie/film you enjoyed and would like to see again 喜欢的电影 (旧题回归)

2. An Educational TV program教育电视节目 (旧题回归难度大提前准备)

3. Something interesting you learned from the internet 从网络上知道的有趣信息

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