小编:南絮 353月11日的托福考试结束了~大家考得如何呢?
环球教育 南京学校
徐卓 整理点评
Task1 | ||
考题回忆 | In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge for students in study life? Please include details and examples in your response. | |
解析思路 | One of the biggest challenges for students is to get well-prepared and adjusted for the specific period of study life.Take freshman students as example. They have a lot more independence and freedom than before but they might have problems dealing with the extra time. In high school, even if you lived in a dorm, you were always told by the teachers or your parents what you should be doing. However at university, your mom isn’t there to tell you what to do. When I first came to college, I missed several morning classes because I was not used to getting up on my own. In a word, you need to get ready for your study life. | |
Task 2 | ||
考题回忆 | Do you agree with the following statement: it is more important to maintain relationships with family members than with friends. Please include details and examples in your response. | |
解析思路 | Personally, I think the relationships with family members are more important.To begin with, you spend more time with your family members, and consequently, the relationship is more important. Because it is hard to imagine that you could put up with the embarrassment for such a long time on a daily basis. Besides, family members could provide you with more help than your friends. I still remember the time in high school when I got really tired of studying. My friends gave me some advice, but my family, they put up with my behaviors and helped me to get back on track. In conclusion, I think it is more important to maintain relationships with family members | |
Task 3 | ||
考题回忆 | 阅读部分 | 学校考虑关闭学校的爵士合唱团(jazz choir)。考虑有二: 1、现在越来越少的人参加爵士合唱团的活动; 2、剩下的人可以去参加音乐社团(singing club)。 |
听力部分 | 女生也是爵士合唱团的成员,她表示反对,理由如下: 1、排练(rehearsal)太多,太占用时间,所以大家都走了,倘若是一周一次的话,还是愿意的; 2、不同的音乐社团风格不一,音乐社团都是古典乐(classics),很多人并不喜欢,至少她本人就是这样。 | |
Task 4 | ||
考题回忆 | 阅读部分 | 同物种的动物,其行为可能被环境所影响。(For the same species of animals,their behaviors might be affected by the surrounding environment.) |
听力部分 | 教授拿蟾蜍(toad)进行举例: 生活在食物较多的池塘(pond)里的蟾蜍都是独居,并不需要团结在一起;而生活在食物较少的池塘里的蟾蜍往往一起游动捕食,这样它们方能吃到池底的食物。 | |
Task 5 | ||
考题回忆 | 男生的问题:昨天晚上去修车了导致没有时间去复习下午的考试。
两个相应的解决办法: 1、仍然今天去考,因为他并没有缺过什么课,并且课后也做了相应的阅读(reading)。 2、女生提出,教授在周三还有同样的课程,可以考虑参加周三的考试;但问题在于男生并没有一个比较合理的要求改考的理由。
个人建议:建议男生采取第一种解决方法。反正只相差两天,晚考不如早考。 | |
Task 6 | ||
考题回忆 | 在商业课(business class)上,教授谈及了两种公司形式:机械组织(mechanism organization)与生物组织(organism organization)。
区别如下: 1、前者产品需要高度的一致性,例如快餐业的披萨店(pizza),顾客知道自己得到的是怎样的披萨,无论何时何地去吃,都是一样的味道。 2、后者需要具有灵活性(flexible),举例为广告公司(advertising agency),每个产品都不一样,可以根据客户的要求进行相应的调整(be able to adjust according to the individual needs of the customer)。 |