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小编:长安 478

  作为生活必须品之一,鞋,已经不是第一次在题库中出现了。许久之前,它也曾经在第一部分中和考生们谋面过一段时间,对于这次重返题库,毫无违和感而言。近期向环球教育微信留言的好多“烤鸭”们也都表示对这个话题感觉头痛, 那么今天杨鑫老师就跟大家解析一下这个话题,希望能够助大家一臂之力。



  1.What kind of shoes do you like?



  As a student, the shoes I like are casual ones. Initially, shoes like this are not expensive, and besides they are comfortable enough for me to wear them for a long day. Specifically, I often climb stairs during the daytime and sometimes even do some sports with them.

  Casual shoes:休闲鞋

  如果考生喜欢其他种类的鞋,在回答时也同样需要表明喜欢的原因。如,喜欢皮鞋,因为显得很正式,作为上班族这个是必须品等等。"A pair of black leather shoes” is what I need to wear everyday during week days, as it matches my uniform perfectly. By the way, black leather shoes make me look quite formal and professional.

  Match: 动词,搭配

  2.Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable ones?



  It totally depends on what kinds of occasions I wear them on. As to a common day, I like to choose comfortable shoes with which I need to walk for a long distance. A pair of comfortable shoes can protect my feet. On the other hand, if I need to go to a party, a pair of fashionable shoes can become my “must-have” to show my taste of fashion.


  taste of fashion:时尚的品味

  一个非常矫情的答案就是两者必须都选也是可以的。如,The shoes I like to buy must be both fairly comfortable and stylish. That’s the reason why I always spend much time looking for a pair of perfect shoes in shopping malls.

  Stylish: 时尚的

  3.Have you ever bought shoes on line? / Do you like buying shoes on line?



  Yes, I used to do that and I used to have some quite unhappy shopping experiences of buying shoes on line. Accordingly, I don’t think I will do that again. The main reason is I can’t try them on before I receive them, meaning that I do know whether they really fit me or not. Size of shoes in my country is not really standardized, which means people need to try every pair of shoes before they make the right decision.

  shopping experience购物经历



  4.Which pair of shoes do you like best? And why?



  The pair I like most is a pair of sneakers with the brand of Air Jordan. It’s a limited edition and costs me pretty much money. I spent nearly my whole years’ pocket money on it the year before last year. By the way, it is a kind of collection for me, and of course I don’t think I will wear it one day.

  最喜欢的,喜欢到舍不得穿的地步。其实本题,考生完全可以答的更矫情。不过,似乎这类的答案比较适合女同学。如The pair of shoes I like most must be the one I will buy next. 我喜欢的,就是下一双。

  5.Do you prefer to buy some expensive shoes? Luxury shoes?



  If I have sufficient budget, why not? Expensive shoes always mean a better design, better materials and being more fashionable. And of course more comfort can be offered by expensive shoes. I have to say that shoes are something that people need to pay big money for, since whether they are comfortable or not really matters a lot.

  sufficient budget充足的预算

  这个答案的意思是,有钱就买啊。名牌当然好啊。开头第一句,如果考生愿意使用if引导的第二条件句,也是炫出口语技能的一个好办法。If I had that much money, I would buy some extravagant shoes without a shadow of doubt.

  Extravagant 奢侈的;铺张浪费的

  6.What kind of people like to buy many pairs of shoes?


  They must be shopaholics who are addicted to buying whatever they can see in shopping malls. They like to buy many pairs of shoes with the same design but different colors to match their various clothes. You know, the rich always can find out many unusual ways to spend their money. That is what I do admire.


  Be addicted to 沉迷于

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