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小编:长安 185

  一天经四季的魔都最近气温也是稳中上升,白天出门有点烈日灼身的感觉。今天环球教育谢骋宇老师与大家分享一款小编最爱的夏日特饮:薄荷茶mint tea。

  一、首先让我们看看the benefits of the mint tea:

  1.upset stomach 胃痛:

  a cup of mint tea will soothe an upset stomach and release the heartburn.


  2.mental focus 集中精神

  Mint tea has a cool, refreshing flavour and an invigorating aroma that can help people stay alert, focused and a less anxious.



  二、MakingFresh Peppermint Tea

  1.pick the fresh mint leaves 采摘薄荷叶

  For each mug of mint tea, you need to pick 7-10 peppermint leaves, which should be green,unblemished and healthiest looking.


  2.Rinse the mint leaves:洗

  Give the mint leaves a good rinse under the faucet. and make sure to wash off any dirt or impurities from the leaves.


  3.Crush the mint:手抿薄荷叶

  Use your hands to crush the mint by rubbing the leaves in between your fingers. Crushing the mint helps to release the flavour and aroma of the herb.


  4.Boil the water and wait a couple minutes for the water to cool:烧开水,并冷却几分钟

  Instead of pouring the boiling water into your mug, wait a couple minutes for the water to cool slightly. Like other herbal teas, mint tea is better when brewed in hot, but not boiling, water.

  5.Pour the hot water into the mug:倒水

  After you have let the water cool for a few minutes, carefully pour the water over the mint leaves.

  Make sure that all the leaves are submerged in the water, then cover the mug水冷却后倒入马克杯,确保薄荷叶都浸泡在开水里

  6.Let the tea steep for 7-12 minutes:浸泡7-12分钟

  If you prefer mild tea, steep for 7 minutes. If you prefer strong tea with a robust mint flavour, leave the mint in for the full 12 minutes.


  7.Remove the mint leaves:拿掉薄荷叶

  After the tea has finished steeping, remove the leaves. You can take them out either by fishing them out with a spoon, or by straining the tea into another mug so that all the leaves get caught in the strainer.用茶匙撩掉薄荷叶,或用过滤网过滤。

  8.Add honey or lemon if you wish:加蜂蜜和柠檬

  Your tea is now ready! If you like putting extras in your tea like honey, milk or lemon, add them right after straining. Otherwise, enjoy your fresh cup of mint tea!


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