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小编: 506

Tosummarise, traditional food has an irreplaceable role in our life, backed withvarious merits. However, its prevalence is declining for people are more andmore time conscious.

Overshadow=eclipse=obscure:使黯然失色 His performance has eclipsedhis predecessor's success.

more time conscious.

Overshadow=eclipse=obscure:使黯然失色 His performance has eclipsedhis predecessor's success.

  Go to alllengths:竭尽全力地做某件事情

  Bycomparison=in contrast=by contrast: 对比来说,

  Comparedwith A=in contrast to A :和A对比来说,

  On thecontrary=conversely: 相反

Many national leaders believe that theglobal stagnant economy need the urgent cooperation between countries ,and oneof the current

priorities of government is to promote theeconomic cooperation and cope with the difficult situation together .To whatextent do you agree or disagree?

第一段:描述当前国际经济不景气,提出国际间经济合作采取行动是必要的。The current global economy recession overshadows approximately allthe countries in the world, including Us ,UK, European Counties, business inall trades of walk are stagnant. Stocks are devalued. Prices of house are decliningand the real estate trade are deteriorating..


There is no doubt that internationalcooperation, from private enterprise to governments, has become increasinglyprevalent (= more popular these years). It is on account of growingly globaleconomy, and it is beneficial for almost every country in the world.  

近年来,私企和政府间的国际化合作变得广泛而流行。这是由于经济全球化的趋势和世界各国的利益共同导致的。People firmly believe that the international cooperation is good foreconomy development. It is well aware that every country has its unique way tostimulate and improve economy. For example,中国政府如何如何运转:. They point out that if their advanced technology can be introducedinto the developing countries that are hardly to invent such good technology,not only some countries or groups but also all of the people living on theearth will benefit a lot. Of course, the countries that have invented thesetechnologies will have to suffer from the damage in economy more or less.  


On the other hand, the view taken by otherpeople is that the main advantage of international cooperation is in terms ofbusiness. It is true that the imports have been sold everywhere in my country.To illustrate, a modern car often consists of different components from variouscountries. In the meanwhile, some necessary goods are always imported fromother countries. However, the competition between local businesses and exoticones is going more intense.



Food can be produced much more cheaplytoday because of improved fertilizers and better machinery or chemistrytechnology. However, some of the methods or chemistry ways may be dangerous tohuman health, and have negative effect on societies. To what degree do youagree or disagree?





预测作文7 A/G : Insome countries , schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects ,in others ,childrenfocus on  a narrow range of subjectsrelated to a particular career. For today's world, which system is appropriate?

Historically speaking, schools arose fromthe “ academic”  of Plato ,who primarilyinstituted this society as a place for both reflection and meditation for thetrue meaning of life ,universe and our final aim as human beings. But thistrend has incurred some tough tests recently for a totally different reasonthat Plato could not even dream of. As my own evaluation, the range of education cannot be just narrowed withinthose related to their future careers.

What comes into my mind is that thesechildren are not born for a sole purpose of being a worker or something.Predetermining their future career is just as a moon in the water and will alsosubject to great varieties of  unknownpossibilities coming directly in their future life. They are ,however, andfirstly , a son or daughter and then a citizen ,then a holder to certaincareers. Therefore ,we can figure out a truth that cannot be truer: thoseintellectual equipments that can better them as a good child and citizen alikeshould also be included in their both primary ,secondary and even tertiaryeducation.  

Closely next to my previous thought wasthat a solely-career-related education may mislead their own purpose of life.Surely a decent income is of great significance ,but it is far from the soleimportance of life. If those youngsters are educated entirely for earning andenjoying their material life ,our society may gradually turn to one thatoverwhelmed with nothing but the torrent of materialism and thus a world withnothing but just trading  of Mammon  and his wealth. This impact is even worsethan just narrowing one’s education scope.

Therefore ,I hereby object to limiting thesphere of education only to the children’s future careers but they should firstof all become a complete human before making a prospective wealth with fullrange of knowledge.

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