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小编:cherry 106


题目:Some people say government should give the health care the first priority, some others believe there are more important priorities to spend the tax payers’ money.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Health is the most important aspect of our lives and without sound physical and mental well-being, we cannot do anything with any level of efficiency. As a result, government ought to place healthcare as a top priority for citizens and allocate large portions of taxpayer revenue towards this essential objective.


Proponents of healthcare purport that medical facilities and services such as hospitals, doctor visits and treatments for illnesses form integral parts of our lives. Without such amenities or being required to pay huge sums to receive them, citizens will greatly suffer and their sicknesses will significantly deteriorate. Furthermore, if medical care is unregulated or not subsidized by government, prices will shoot through the roof, making it difficult to afford for the middle and poorer classes.

Nevertheless, opponents claim that government receipts ought to be spent on other causes including economic development or national defence. From their perspective, creating jobs for adults is a nobler cause as it can stimulate greater economic development, whereas defending the sovereignty of the country is necessary to maintain national security. Public services including infrastructure and education may deserve equal consideration, in terms of allocating resources, in order to ensure a high quality of life for residents. Nonetheless, none of these pursuits can be achieved if citizens are unwell or ailing from diseases, which makes it imperative to focus on maintaining one’s health.


All in all, it is the primary responsibility for government to provide citizens with the opportunity to have financially manageable access to healthcare. Without a significant focus on healthcare, we would live in a desolate and inhumane society filled with patients requiring attention.

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