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小编:长安 113



  In recent years, more attention is paid to being “responsible tourists” for preserving the culture and environment of tourist places they go. However, some people think it is impossible to be a responsible tourist in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20170720


  With advancement of tourism all over the world, misbehaving tourists are always put in the spotlight of the masses. Negative coverage like this even makes some people believe that being a responsible tourist seems impossible since there must be some known or unknown rules that they will break consciously or unconsciously. This essay will prove what they worry about is definitely wrong.


  Initially, tourists can become responsible by clicking their mouse for a couple of extra times while searching information of must-go places of their destinations. It is rather easy for them to find some webpage introducing culture and tradition of where they will travel. Having read something like this, they are more likely to understand some so-called odd behaviors of the local that they have not seen in their own country before. For instance, foreign travelers with some knowledge of Chinese culture and tradition will not feel uncomfortable while seeing many local people speaking extremely loudly in restaurants. According to their own culture, they do not need to behave as the local do, and they should not roll their eyes either.


  Additionally, law-abiding tourists are obviously welcomed with open arms everywhere in the world. Travelers, undoubtedly, have to observe local laws and related rules and regulations of tourist attractions, although they may think some of them are irrational or unfair. Travelers’ violating rules and regulations inadvertently of tourist sites might cause some irreversible damage. An instance in point is that taking photos in some museums with many ancient paintings is completely banned, but some tourists really use their cameras without realizing how harmful the flashlight can be for those priceless paintings.


  In a nutshell, being a responsible traveler is not as difficult as some people argue. Meanwhile, nearly all tourists are willing to gain some wonderful memory from their trips but not biases or prejudices.



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