小编:长安 306 语言的学习其实是个模仿的过程,而在不断累积的过程里面,阅读,尤其是外刊的阅读,可以总结出很多的套路,今天沈阳环球教育(原环球教育)龙珠老师将会跟大家分享在阅读中总结出的句型句式,以便在未来的写作中更自如地应用。
1)当我们想表达仁者见仁智者见智的时候,<经济学人>中有过这样一个句子:Opinion is divided as to whether programmers will welcome or reject such tools .(人们对于程序员是否会喜欢这样的工具)。把句子分解一下就出现了句型——Opinion is divided as to …。
比如如果未来想表达政府是否需要在文艺上投资,仁者见仁智者见智,就可以这样表达——Opinion is divided as to whether the government should invest on the arts 。
2)当我们想表达事情的变化大的时候,《经济学人》中有过这样一个句子描述电话给人们生活带来的改变:The telephone has changed beyond recognition since its invention in 1876,and is now both the most personal , most social and most rapidly evolving technological device。
在大作文中,如果我们想说科技改变了生活,我们就可以用到这样一个句子表达——Modern people's life has changed beyond recognition since technology developed, just as computers and telephones were invented。
3)如果我们想表达随大流,在《剑桥高阶字典》里面,我们看到过这样一句话——I thought I 'd just swim with the tide and leave when everyone else does .(我想我会随大流,像别人一样离开)。
这句话可以变成——In terms of the disadvantages of wearing school uniforms , it would kill the individuality of all the children , making them swim with the tide and end up being without creativity。
4)指人或者国家极度贫穷的状态,我们可以想到诸如poor之类的词汇,但它太过普通随意,我们在外刊阅读中读到过这样一句话---A huge earthquake hits Chile but it has fared far better than poverty-stricken Haiti .(一场大地震袭击了智利,但智利在地震中的表现比贫困中的海地好很多)。
我们在大作文中说到贫困国家如何脱贫这样的话题,有一个思路是让贫困国家可以通过引进外资来帮助自己发展,就可以用到这样的句子——Most of the poverty-stricken countries could develop by inviting foreign countries to invest on the relating projects。