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小编:长安 231


  Part 1


  你现在住在哪里? 你的家乡在哪里? 目前在学习什么?


  What's your major ? why did you choose the major ?

  3.Work/study :

  Do you study or work ? Do you need to work very hard ? what do you after work ?

  4.TV program

  Do you like watching TV? What's your favorite TV program ? what are the benefits of watching TV?

  5.House/apartment ,

  Do you live in a house or an apartment ? What can you see of the window ? 还要住多久? 到市中心方便么?Do you others visit your home ? what do you usually do when visitor come ?


  你最喜欢什么颜色? 为什么? 你儿童时期喜欢什么颜色? 你会用什么颜色装饰房间?

  7.Outdoor activities

  你喜欢的户外活动? 你想学的户外活动? 喜欢室内活动?

  8.Sunny day /rainy day :

  Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days ? what do you usually do during sunny days ?


  喜欢游泳吗? 为什么? 自己游泳还是别人一起? 一周几次? Do you like go swimming on holiday ?

  10.Healthy sport



  Do you like taking photos ? what's your favorite photo ? would you like to be a photographer ?


  送花作为礼物么? 礼物需要贵重吗?


  Do you wear hats ? did you wear hat when you were a child ?

  14.Bring things

  What bring when go out ? bring different things in day and night ? 会什么时候出去》 白天还是晚上? 出去一般做什么? Even forgotten to bring sth.?

  15.Living :

  Which part do you live in China? Do you like where you live ? Would you like to live in south of China in the future ?

  16. Toy :

  小时候玩的玩具是啥? 玩玩具的好处是啥?


  高中最喜欢的科目是啥? 最不喜欢的科目?


  Do you like shoes ? 会网购鞋子么? 鞋子是好看重要还是舒服重要? 你知道有些人大量购买鞋子么? Will people willing to pay for an expensive shoes ?

  19.Music :

  音乐乐器难学么?儿童需要有音乐课在学校么? 音乐课对儿童的影响? Do you learn any music instrument ? Do you have any music classes in school ? Do you think it is necessary for children to have music class ?


  打游戏么? 手游还是电脑游戏? 喜欢什么游戏? 年轻人打游戏好吗?

  21.School :


  22: Living city:

  是否喜欢这个城市? 以后还想住在这里么? 你觉得这个城市的交通系统是否方便? 你喜欢用公共交通工具么? 用公共交通坐过的最长的旅程是多久?



  23.Book reading :

  Do you love reading ? Do you prefer to borrow books or buy books ?

  24: Dream

  Do you remember you dream when you wake up ? do you like hearing other's dream ? do you think dream will affect life ? why ? do you want to learn more about dream ?

  25: Robots

  Are you interested in robots ? why ? Do you like robots to work at your home ? Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver ?


  你和你朋友业余时间做什么? 你有很多朋友么? 一个最好的朋友好还是很多朋友好? 下课后喜欢做什么? 跟朋友喜欢做什么? Why or why not ?


  最喜欢的老师是谁? 想做老师么?what qualities a good teacher should have ?


  你喜欢的holiday 是啥? Why ?  你在假期用来干什么?

  27.Magazine :

  喜欢看杂志么? 喜欢买杂志还是借?为什么?

  30: Housework

  会不会做家务? 什么类型的? 你小时候会做家务么? 你觉得小孩子应该做家务么?

  31 . Mirror looking

  你经常照镜子么? 经常买镜子么? 你认为镜子是一个必要的装饰品吗?

  32. Public transport

  你有没有曾经用交通工具去哪里? 你常用交通工具上班吗? 未来公共交通工具会流行么?

  33. Celebrity

  Who is your favorite celebrity in China ? Do you like any foreign celebrities ? Would you like to be a celebrity in the future ? whether we should protect famous person 's privacy ?

  Part 2

  People 人物篇

  1.Describe an experience you spend time with a child  ( what did you do, when did you do, how do you feel)  P3: how to teach children ?  Is sweet a god thing to reward them ?

  2.Describe an interesting neighbor (描述一个有趣的邻居) P3:邻里关系咋样? 住在大城市和乡村的区别? 怎么改善邻里关系?

  3.Describe a famous person you are interested in (描述一个你感兴趣的名人) P3: 名人应该有隐私Privacy ? 如何成名? 你们国家有钱人是谁? 对于人们来讲,有钱是很重要的事么?

  4.Describe two people you know from the same family (描述你认识的两个来自同一个家庭的人) P3: 家庭对中国人来说重要么? 家庭生活过去和现在有什么不同在中国? 老人和孩子一起生活好么? 如果家庭成员性格不一样怎么办?

  5.Describe an important family member who has great influence to you (描述家庭成员里对你影响大的重要的一位(who, 对你做了什么事影响大, 这件事在哪里发生) P3: 待更新.

  Objects 物品篇

  1.Describe sth. Old kept for along time in your family (描述你家中保存的一个旧物品)  P3: 博物馆有什么作用?

  2.Describe a gift you received (描述你收到的礼物) P3: 是否送过同样的礼物给别人?送给小孩子应该挑什么礼物? 你觉得什么是有教育意义的礼物呢? 为什么人们现在收到一些礼物不如以前开心了?

  3.Describe a book you want to read again (描述你想再看一次的书) P3: 为什么父母要给孩子读故事? 中国人小时候读什么书?

  4.Describe an important object in your home ( 描述家里珍贵的物品) P3: 机器有没有用,是不是所有机器都是必要的? 老年人对机器的看法? 未来有什么机器》 你觉得机器人有没有必要?

  5.Describe a foreign food you ate before (描述一种你吃过的外国食品) (是什么,什么时候吃,在哪里吃,为什么要吃它)Part 3 待更新.

  Places & Buildings 地点&建筑篇

  1.Describe a quiet place (描述一个安静的地方). Part 3: 什么地方没有噪音,生产噪音的原因是啥?

  2.Describe a tall building (描述一个高的建筑)  P3: 住tall building的优缺点? 气候对建筑设计的影响? 为什么每个人都喜欢设计房子?

  3.Describe a tourist attraction ( destination) 描述一个旅游景点 P3: 问一大堆旅游的问题.

  4.Describe a country you want to work for a short period of time (描述你想工作的一个国家) P3:什么类型工作适合国外短期工作? 去International company 需要什么技能? 小孩去国外工作好吗》? Why ?

  5.Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited (描述一个你访问过的有趣房子或公寓) ( where,whose home, why you go there , why it is so interesting ) P3: Why people want to move from new buildings ?

  6.Describe a shop open in your hometown (描述你们家乡的一个商店)P3: 什么类型的shop 在中国受欢迎? 中国是否应该保护那些小商店?

  7.Describe a sports place in your town (描述你们城市的一个运动场所)P3: 为什么人们喜欢看国际体育比赛?

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