小编:长安 155 上周六的雅思写作考试,大部分考生的心情可谓是冰火两重天。打开卷面,随之映入眼帘的就是一个地图题,相信很多考生定是倒吸一口凉气。在写完小作文之后,考生们肯定又是心花怒放的,因为这道大作文的题目算得上是零难度的。教育类,还是个报告题,翻遍了近年题库恐怕也没有比这更简单的题目了。
Many children feel difficult to concentrate on their study. What are the causes? And what should be done to deal with this? 20170429
Traditional schooling is losing its significance over children in this day and age,with a growing number of students hardly concentrating on their study. Parents and educators,thus,are quite eager to analyze reasons causing this situation and whereby provide feasible and effective solutions.
For one thing,distorted values and excessive usage of electronic devices lead to the loss of focus of students to their study. To begin with,a majority of students hold the illusion that there is no causality between their educational background and their career success in the future since some media always report successful entrepreneurs with inadequate education and even some overnight sensations who have never graduated from high school. Consequently,some students even think that they just squander away their valuable time in school. On top of this,undoubtedly some electronic devices can be definitely thought as the source of distractions. Many students cannot stop checking their mobile phone every 10 minutes while doing their homework,accordingly becoming phone addicts.
For another,for solving this predicament thoroughly teachers and parents should work collectively. Initially,teachers should shoulder the duty of imparting appropriate values to their students,persuading them to put sufficient emphasis on their study. Also,teachers should make some rules and regulations of restraining use of electronic devices in schools like mobile phones. Besides,parents ought to be extremely careful of buying electronic products that are not related to children's study. Traditional cell phones are more conducive to study of children in comparison to smart phones by which students can do so many things that they should have spent any time on.
To sum up,it can be attributed to children's inappropriate values and overuse of electronic devices that students are losing their attention to study,and luckily with parents and teachers taking reasonable measures this situation can be positively and effectively modified.